

World ranger day

Ever since 2007, when this day was celebrated for the first time on the 15th anniversary of the founding of the International Ranger Foundation, the World Ranger Day has been celebrated every July 31.

World Ranger Day is celebrated to honor rangers around the world. In different parts of the world they are called differently, they perform their work in different conditions, they operate in different habitat types with different types of organisms, they operate in different parts of the world where each part has its specificities and problems, but they all operate with the same goal - to preserve nature!

The importance of their work is manifested in monitoring the changes that occur in nature, since they are constantly on the field, they are the first to monitor the implementation of conditions and measures for the protection of nature, on Kamenjak they are responsible for the installation of most educational boards or infrastructure elements such as benches and tables, and if you meet them in the field, they will be happy to teach you about the nature that surrounds you with their knowledge.

Because of the diversity that rangers around the world represent, this year's World Ranger Day is focused precisely on the diversity that rangers represent.

Unfortunately, the conditions in which rangers work are not the same in all parts of the world, and somewhere this work is often life-threatening. Last year alone, 150 rangers around the world lost their lives dedicated to preserving nature. In this negative trend, Asian and African countries lead with 135 accidents, while Europe is an example to follow with no such cases.

That's why we wish all the rangers around the world, and especially our Viliam, Sanjin, Emir, Sebastian, Marijo and Andrea, a happy World ranger day!