Last week we hosted a working visit involving our partners from the University of Parma, Italy, and the University of Žilina, Slovakia, with whom we undertake activities to improve the conservation and management of protected areas in Central Europe within the HUMANITA (“Human-Nature Interactions and Impacts of Tourist Activities on Protected Areas”) project. Our partners shot interesting aerial videos of our protected dry grassland in Donji Kamenjak (Lower Kamenjak) using a drone equipped with a high-quality camera, and another with a laser. These were basic, reference shoots and we plan to perform at least two more during the project implementation, in order to monitor the condition of our protected grassland areas as well as the impact on their condition and fragmentation made by visitor activities in Donji Kamenjak. Dry grassland covers most of Donji Kamenjak and is included in the Natura 2000 network. The grassland is also extremely important because it provides habitat to myriads of plant and animal species and is the prime habitat for orchids, which are especially numerous in Kamenjak, numbering as many as 30 different species.
The HUMANITA project will be carried out in association with 10 other partners from five Central European countries over the next three years. The project is supported by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027, a programme that supports transnational cooperation, and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
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